Daily quests
Disclaimer: Nothing in this section is final. Changes can and will be made if necessary.
Daily quest: Harvesting
Daily harvest that can be replanted or sold on the marketplace
Quest process
1) Click on the ground
2) Click on "Plant" and select the number of seeds from inventory.
3) Plant Grower will start planting seeds of various plants.
You will need to complete this quest 7/7 days a week to unlock the weekly reward bonus.
Daily quest: Animal care
Farm anumals require proper care and time. As a daily quest, you have to complete 1 task: Feeding
Quest process
1) Click on the animal you want to feed
2) Click on "feed" and select food from the inventory.
3) The farmer will start feeding the animal.
You will need to complete this quest 7/7 days a week to unlock the weekly reward bonus.
Daily quest:
Mail Check Daily mail show all offers on the marketplace, messages and important notifications. Quest process
Click on the mail icon.
Click on "offers" and answer or cancel them.
Click on "messages" and check new ones.
Last updated